Please Donate!
Not only have Jemma, 11, and Joe Jr., 5, lost their beloved dad, they have lost their provider.
With their mom battling breast cancer and unable to work, the children are left in an extremely precarious financial situation.
Your tax-deductible gift of any amount will truly make a difference for these grieving children.
Or you can make your check payable to Passion 4 K.I.D.S. and let us know it is for Jemma and Joe.
Mail to:
Passion 4 K.I.D.S.
1345 Encinitas Blvd. #736
Encinitas, CA 92024
Please call 760-518-2780 with any questions.
Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Please enroll me as an “Angel”
or a single one time donation